How to Upload Lord Ganesh Video Online ?

Finally it’s seem that you are interested to upload your lord Ganesh Video. Its our pleasure to see some amazing collection of Ganpati Festival videos.We are here to connect all Ganaesh lovers virtually.Its an opportunity for you to upload your video and share it across the globe.This facility is totally transparent and we hope we will get huge response from our visitors 😀


We really appreciate your efforts of uploading videos,as of now we (india) don’t have very good internet connectivity.
We are also running ‘BEST VIDEO’ competition,through which we are selecting some amazing videos.First three winner will get some GOODIES from us and seriously they are special for you !

Rules and Regulation for Video Uploading:


1. You must have active ‘YouTube‘ account,if not then don’t worry it will take few minutes to create your youtube account using your existing Google account.Simply login to your gmail account & signup for youtube from here.

2. Your videos must be related to GANPATI-UTSAV.

3. Uploading illegal materials and controversial video is strictly prohibited, as we have strong 2-step verification process for uploaded videos we can easily reject that video.

You can send videos in 2 ways:

1. Uploading 

2. Sharing YouTube video links 

1. Uploading Process:

1. To upload your video on Ganpati Darshan navigate to upload video section.

2. Click on “Upload Your Story” button.

3. Now click on “Login to Youtube”, after this you will redirected to Google account login.

login youtube account

Provide your login credentials of Google account which has active Youtube service,then click on ‘Grant Access’.grant access youtube

4. If your google account is not associated with YouTube account then you may get this error”Error: Ok 500” ,to resolve  this create your youtube account and retry.

5. After successful login you can upload ‘New Video‘ or some existing videos of your account. Here is list of  supported video file formats.

upload video youtube

6. Fill-up required information about your video and submit your video,when uploading process get completed, we will review your video, according to our & youtube guidelines we will approve it.

upload video to youtube

7. Thats it !  you will get confirmation Email on your Gmail inbox about your video approval process.

9. You can see your video on our YouTube channel as well as on our website recent videos section.

8. We hope we will get good response from your end.

Share this with your friends.


2. Sharing YouTube video links:

If you don’t want to do above process, you can simply share some existing Youtube videos of Ganpati utsav  with us We will integrate it with our service and of course also give your credits. 😀

Please fill following  form:

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